
Cuatro cuentos populares escoceses

Enjoy these four Scottish folk tales in a dual language edition – reading the Spanish and English together helps the learner to become familiar with the language.

With colour illustrations on every page, young learners in particular will enjoy the stories while becoming more confident in reading and understanding the Spanish.

La selkie ~ The Selkie
Cantora ~ Musical-Mouth
Violinistas en el País de las Hadas ~ Fiddlers in Fairyland
Ah, ¿sí? ~ Is that so?

£9.99 ~ 96 pages
paperback 175×167

ISBN 9781904737599

Read the stories in English or read the stories in Spanish.

Cuatro cuentos populares escoceses contados en dos idiomas: español e inglés
Four traditional Scottish folk tales told in two languages: in Spanish and in English

See our other dual language books

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