Lexus publishes Scottish interest books on language (including Gaelic), culture and place names. The new imprint, VOICES, introduces autobiography – the lives of remarkable people. We also publish dual-language books and language learning books and phrasebooks for many languages.

Loving Alasdair
Scottish Wildlife Front Cover
Scottish Wildlife: A Colouring Book
Scottish History: A Colouring Book
To This Northern Shore Cover
To This Northern Shore
Inbhir Nis: A Colouring Book
Edinburgh: A Colouring Book
Gaelic Gold
Gaelic Gold
Gaelic Gold Decoder
Gaelic Gold Decoder
Cuatro cuentos populares escocese
What's in a Scottish Placename? cover
What’s in a Scottish Placename?
Edingow and Glasburgh
Edingow and Glasburgh
Colour My Zoo
Colour My Zoo
Me and My Mobile
Me and My Mobile
Maggie Midge
Maggie Midge and Pals
Mess on the Floor
Quatre contes populaires écossais